Policy Agenda

Fuel efficiency standards help keep the costs of running a small business down. These standards reduce pollution, protect the health of communities, and lessen our dependency on foreign oil all while saving Tennesseans money at the gas pump. Fuel efficiency standards increase competition, not discourage it. Fuel efficiency standards that are working and cannot be rolled back.

Health Care
Many small business owners rely on the individual marketplace for coverage. Congress continues to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, causing premiums to rise in TN by an average of 18.1 percent next year. The state legislature refuses to expand Medicaid, which would cover many low-wage individuals and families – an estimated 280,000 Tennesseans. Protections for Tennesseans with pre-existing conditions like asthma or diabetes are at risk and could be declared "unconstitutional" in court. We believe in these protections.

Tax Fairness
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act gives a huge, permanent handout to large corporations. It also leaves us with over a trillion dollars in additional debt, and rigged market competition that favors big business over small business. Not only are the tax cuts for small businesses less; these cuts expire in two years. We believe in tax fairness.

Reducing waste and protecting our land, air, and water from pollution not only supports thriving life, it's also good for business. Our Tennessee economy is fueled by the environment we build our businesses in. From the Great Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee to the farmlands of West Tennessee, our communities depend on clean air, water, and land. Cities like Chattanooga, once considered 'America's dirtiest city', have proved you don't have to sacrifice good business for good policy protecting the environment and our communities. Our elected officials must not cut protections for clean air.

Add Your Voice
The Tennessee Small Business Alliance is a coalition of business owners working together to have their voices heard in the policy debates affecting the wellbeing of their families, businesses, employees and communities. Share with your peers where else you think the small business owner's voice needs to be heard.