Posts Tagged ‘William Lamberth’
House approves bill to eliminate subpoena power from police community oversight boards
Debate moves to the full Tennessee Senate A proposal to eliminate subpoena power from police community oversights boards passed the Tennessee House on a 66-26 vote. A police community oversight board has operated — with subpoena power — in Knoxville, Tenn. for two decades with no interference from the state legislature. State lawmakers only seem to…
Read MoreBan on abortion after six weeks passes House, focus moves to Tenn. Senate
The Tennessee House of Representatives approved a ban on abortion after a heart beat can be detected — roughly six weeks of pregnancy. The legislation still must be heard by the full Tennessee Senate. The legislation, HB0077, sponsored by Rep. James “Micah” Van Huss, R-Gray, District 6, is one of Republican’s most aggressive attempts to restrict…
Read MoreKnoxville, Be Damned: Rep. Daniel Helping GOP Cripple Community Oversight Boards in Tenn.
Despite nearly unified support from Knox County officials, state Rep. Martin Daniel, R-Knoxville, District 18, voted Feb. 27 with the majority party in committee to strip state-based community oversight boards of their subpoena power. The city of Knoxville has successfully operated a police community oversight board for 20 years under both Democratic and Republican mayors.…
Read MoreNew concealed handgun carry permit axes fee, reduces training requirement
A bill that would create a new concealed handgun carry permit process that requires no fee and only a two-hour, online-training certificate will be heard again March 6. Rep. Andy Holt, R-Dresden, District 76, presented HB1264 to House Judiciary Committee members on Feb. 26. The bill passed by voice vote with three Democratic members requesting…
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